Thursday, March 18, 2021

Std 11and XII - Question Paper Design for Physical Education



CBSE Suggested Question Paper Design

Physical Education (Code No. 048) 

Class XI and XII (2020-21)

Marks: 70                                                                                                                    Duration: 3 hrs.


 Typology of Questions



 Remembering: Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers. Understanding: Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas



Applying: Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques, and rules in a different way.



Analyzing and Evaluating: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalizations. Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, the validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria. Creating: Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.





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