Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) Class XI (2020–21) 

                                                                                                                Theory Max.  Marks 70

 Unit I Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education 

 Meaning & Definition of Physical Education 

 Aims & Objectives of Physical Education 

 Career Options in Physical Education 

 Competitions in various sports at the national and international level 

 Khelo-India Program 

Unit II Olympic Value Education 

 Olympics, Paralympics, and Special Olympics 

 Olympic Symbols, Ideals, Objectives & Values of Olympism 

 International Olympic Committee 

 Indian Olympic Association 

Unit III Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle 

 Meaning & Importance of Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle 

 Components of physical fitness and Wellness 

 Components of Health-related fitness 

Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs- Divyang) 

 Aims & objectives of Adaptive Physical Education 

 Organization promoting Adaptive Sports (Special Olympics Bharat; Paralympics; Deaflympics) 

 Concept of Inclusion, its need, and Implementation 

 Role of various professionals for children with special needs (Counsellor, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Education Teacher, Speech Therapist & special Educator)

Unit V Yoga 

 Meaning & Importance of Yoga 

 Elements of Yoga 

 Introduction - Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation & Yogic Kriyas 

 Yoga for concentration & related Asanas (Sukhasana; Tadasana; Padmasana & Shashankasana, Naukasana, Vrikshasana (Tree pose), Garudasana (Eagle pose) 

 Relaxation Techniques for improving concentration – Yog-Nidra

 Unit VI Physical Activity & Leadership Training 

 Leadership Qualities & Role of a Leader 

 Creating leaders through Physical Education 

 Meaning, objectives & types of Adventure Sports (Rock Climbing, Tracking, River Rafting, Mountaineering, Surfing and Para Gliding) 

 Safety measures to prevent sports injuries

 Unit VII Test, Measurement & Evaluation 

 Define Test, Measurement & Evaluation 

 Importance of Test, Measurement & Evaluation In Sports

 Calculation of BMI & Waist - Hip Ratio 

 Some Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy & Ectomorphy) 

 Measurement of health-related fitness 

Unit VIII Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology in Sports

 Definition and Importance of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology 

 The function of Skeleton System, Classification of Bones & Types of Joints 

 Properties and Functions of Muscles

  Function & Structure of Respiratory System and Circulatory System 

 Equilibrium – Dynamic & Static And Centre of Gravity and its application in sports 

Unit IX Psychology & Sports 

 Definition & Importance of Psychology in Phy. Edu. & Sports 

 Define & Differentiate Between Growth & Development 

 Developmental Characteristics At Different Stages of Development. 

 Adolescent Problems & Their Management

Unit X Training and Doping in Sports 

 Meaning & Concept of Sports Training 

 Principles of Sports Training 

 Warming up & limbering down 

 Skill, Technique & Style 

 Concept & classification of doping 

 Prohibited Substances & their side effects 

 Dealing with alcohol and substance abuse 

                                                                                       Practical Max. Marks 30

01. Physical Fitness Test -                                                    - 6 Marks 

02. Proficiency in Games and Sports

 (Skill of anyone Game of choice from the given list*)     - 7 Marks 

03. Yogic Practices                                                              - 7 Marks 

04. Record File **                                                               - 5 Marks 

05. Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga)                 - 5 Marks *

 Athletics, Archery, Badminton, Boxing, Chess, Judo, Shooting, Skating, Swimming, Taekwondo, Tennis, Aerobics, Gymnastics, Rope-Skipping, Yoga, Bocce & Unified Basketball [CWSN (Children With Special Needs - Divyang)]

 **Record File shall include: 

Practical-1: Labelled diagram of 400 M Track & Field with computations.

Practical-2: Computation of BMI from family or neighborhood & graphical representation of the data.

Practical-3: Labelled diagram of field & equipment of any one game of your choice out of the above list. 

Practical-4: List of current National Awardees (Dronacharya Award, Arjuna Award & Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award) 

Practical-5: Pictorial presentation of any five Asanas for improving concentration.

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