Saturday, March 27, 2021

Class 12-Physical Education Yearly Plan 2021 – 2022



Physical Education Yearly Plan 2021 – 2022

Class: XII

Subject: Physical Education





1st & 2rd Week 

Unit I Planning in Sports

Meaning & Objectives Of Planning 

Various Committees· & its Responsibilities (pre; during & post) 

Tournament – Knock-Out, League Or Round Robin· & Combination 

  Procedure To Draw Fixtures – Knock-Out (Bye· & Seeding) & League (Staircase &Cyclic) .



3rd &4th Week

Unit II Sports & Nutrition

Balanced Diet· & Nutrition: Macro & Micro Nutrients 

Nutritive· & Non-Nutritive Components Of Diet 

Eating For Weight Control – A Healthy Weight, The Pitfalls of Dieting, Food Intolerance· & Food Myths 



1st & 2rd Week 

Unit III Yoga & Lifestyle

 Asanas as preventive measures·

 Obesity: Procedure, Benefits· & contraindications for Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana 

Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits· & contraindications for Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana 

Asthema: Procedure, Benefits· & contraindications for Sukhasana, Chakrasana, Gomukhasana, Parvatasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Matsyasana 

 Hypertension: Tadasana, Vajrasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Bhujangasana, Sharasana·

1.    Practical : - Physical Fitness Test


3rd &4th Week

Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs - Divyang) 

Concept of Disability· & Disorder

Types of Disability, its causes· & nature (cognitive disability, intellectual disability, physical disability) 

Types of Disorder, its cause· & nature (ADHD, SPD, ASD, ODD, OCD) 

Disability Etiquettes ·

Strategies to make Physical Activities assessable for children with special needs.· 


1st  week

Unit V Children & Women in Sports 

 Motor development· & factors affecting it 

Exercise Guidelines at different stages of growth· & Development 

Common Postural Deformities - Knock Knee; Flat Foot; Round Shoulders; Lordosis, Kyphosis, Bow Legs and Scoliosis and their corrective measures ·

Sports participation of women in India·

Special consideration (Menarch & Menstrual Disfunction) 

Female Athletes Triad (Oestoperosis, Amenoria, Eating Disorders) ·



2nd Week

Unit VI Test & Measurement in Sports

o Motor Fitness Test – 50 M Standing Start, 600 M Run/Walk, Sit & Reach, Partial Curl Up, Push Ups (Boys), Modified Push Ups (Girls), Standing Broad Jump, Agility – 4x10 M Shuttle Run 

o General Motor Fitness – Barrow three-item general motor ability (Standing Broad Jump, Zig Zag Run, Medicine Ball Put – For Boys: 03 Kg & For Girls: 01 Kg) 

o Measurement of Cardio-Vascular Fitness – Harvard Step Test/Rockport Test - Computation of Fitness Index: Duration of the Exercise in Seconds x 100 5.5 x Pulse count of 1-1.5 Min after Exercise 

o Rikli & Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness Test 

 1. Chair Stand Test for lower body strength 

 2. Arm Curl Test for upper body strength 

 3. Chair Sit & Reach Test for lower body flexibility 

 4. Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility 

 5. Eight Foot Up & Go Test for agility 

 6. Six-Minute Walk Test for Aerobic Endurance 



3rd &4th Week

Unit VII Physiology & Injuries in Sports 

 The physiological factor determining component of Physical Fitness ·

 Effect of exercise on Cardio-Respiratory System ·

  Effect of exercise on Muscular System ·

  Physiological changes due to aging·

  Sports injuries: Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries:(Abrasion, Contusion, Laceration, Incision, Sprain· & Strain) Bone & Joint Injuries: (Dislocation, Fractures: Stress Fracture, Green Stick,  Comminuted Transverse Oblique & Impacted) Causes, Prevention& treatment 

  First Aid – Aims· & Objectives 

 2. Practical : - Proficiency in Games and Sports (Skill of anyone Game of choice from the given list)


1st & 2rd Week 

Unit VIII Biomechanics & Sports 

  Meaning and Importance of Biomechanics in Sports ·

  Types of movements (Flexion, Extension, Abduction· & Adduction) 

  Newton’s Law of Motion· & its application in sports 

  Friction· & Sports 

 3. Practical : - Yogic Practices



3rd &4th Week

Unit IX Psychology & Sports 

 Personality; its definition· & types – Trait & Types (Sheldon & Jung Classification) & Big Five Theory 

  Motivation, its type· & techniques 

  Exercise Adherence; Reasons to Exercise, Benefits of Exercise ·

  Strategies for Enhancing Adherence to Exercise ·

  Meaning, Concept· & Types of Aggressions in Sports



1st & 2rd Week 

Unit X Training in Sports 

 Strength – Definition, types· & methods of improving Strength – Isometric, Isotonic & Isokinetic 

 Endurance - Definition, types· & methods to develop Endurance – Continuous Training, Interval Training & Fartlek Training 

  Speed – Definition, types· & methods to develop Speed – Acceleration Run & Pace Run 

  Flexibility – Definition, types· & methods to improve flexibility 

  Coordinative Abilities – Definition· & types 

  Circuit Training - Introduction· & its importance

 4. . Practical : - Record File checking



1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 1 to 3


1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 4 to 7


1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 8 to 10


1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 1 to 10





Subject Teacher’s Sign                                                                         Principal’s Sign


Thursday, March 18, 2021


Class XII (2020–21) (RATIONALIZED) 
Theory Max. Marks 70 

Unit I Planning in Sports

 Meaning & Objectives Of Planning 

 Various Committees & its Responsibilities (pre; during & post) 

 Tournament – Knock-Out, League Or Round Robin & Combination 

 Procedure To Draw Fixtures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase &Cyclic) .

Unit II Sports & Nutrition
 Balanced Diet & Nutrition: Macro & Micro Nutrients 

 Nutritive & Non-Nutritive Components Of Diet 

 Eating For Weight Control – A Healthy Weight, The Pitfalls of Dieting, Food Intolerance & Food Myths 

Unit III Yoga & Lifestyle
 Asanas as preventive measures
 Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana 

 Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana 

 Asthema: Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Sukhasana, Chakrasana, Gomukhasana, Parvatasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Matsyasana 

 Hypertension: Tadasana, Vajrasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Bhujangasana, Sharasana

Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs - Divyang) 

 Concept of Disability & Disorder
 Types of Disability, its causes & nature (cognitive disability, intellectual disability, physical disability) 

 Types of Disorder, its cause & nature (ADHD, SPD, ASD, ODD, OCD) 

 Disability Etiquettes 

 Strategies to make Physical Activities assessable for children with special need. Unit V Children & Women in Sports 

 Motor development & factors affecting it 

 Exercise Guidelines at different stages of growth & Development 

 Common Postural Deformities - Knock Knee; Flat Foot; Round Shoulders; Lordosis, Kyphosis, Bow Legs and Scoliosis and their corrective measures 

 Sports participation of women in India
Special consideration (Menarch & Menstural Disfunction) 

 Female Athletes Triad (Oestoperosis, Amenoria, Eating Disorders) 

Unit VI Test & Measurement in Sports
o Motor Fitness Test – 50 M Standing Start, 600 M Run/Walk, Sit & Reach, Partial Curl Up, Push Ups (Boys), Modified Push Ups (Girls), Standing Broad Jump, Agility – 4x10 M Shuttle Run 

o General Motor Fitness – Barrow three item general motor ability (Standing Broad Jump, Zig Zag Run, Medicine Ball Put – For Boys: 03 Kg & For Girls: 01 Kg) 

o Measurement of Cardio Vascular Fitness – Harvard Step Test/Rockport Test - Computation of Fitness Index: D uration of the Exercise in Seconds x 100 5.5 x Pulse count of 1-1.5 Min after Exercise 

o Rikli & Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness Test 

1. Chair Stand Test for lower body strength 

2. Arm Curl Test for upper body strength 

3. Chair Sit & Reach Test for lower body flexibility 

4. Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility 

5. Eight Foot Up & Go Test for agility 

6. Six-Minute Walk Test for Aerobic Endurance 

Unit VII Physiology & Injuries in Sports 

 The physiological factor determining component of Physical Fitness 

 Effect of exercise on Cardio-Respiratory System 

 Effect of exercise on Muscular System 

 Physiological changes due to aging

 Sports injuries: Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries:(Abrasion, Contusion, Laceration, Incision, Sprain & Strain) Bone & Joint Injuries: (Dislocation, Fractures: Stress Fracture, Green Stick, Communated, Transverse Oblique & Impacted) Causes, Prevention& treatment 

 First Aid – Aims & Objectives 

Unit VIII Biomechanics & Sports 

 Meaning and Importance of Biomechanics in Sports 

 Types of movements (Flexion, Extension, Abduction & Adduction) 

 Newton’s Law of Motion & its application in sports 

 Friction & Sports 

Unit IX Psychology & Sports 

 Personality; its definition & types – Trait & Types (Sheldon & Jung Classification) & Big Five Theory 

 Motivation, its type & techniques 

 Exercise Adherence; Reasons to Exercise, Benefits of Exercise 

 Strategies for Enhancing Adherence to Exercise 

 Meaning, Concept & Types of Aggressions in Sports 

Unit X Training in Sports 

 Strength – Definition, types & methods of improving Strength – Isometric, Isotonic & Isokinetic 

 Endurance - Definition, types & methods to develop Endurance – Continuous Training, Interval Training & Fartlek Training 

 Speed – Definition, types & methods to develop Speed – Acceleration Run & Pace Run 

 Flexibility – Definition, types & methods to improve flexibility 

 Coordinative Abilities – Definition & types 

 Circuit Training - Introduction & its importance

Max. Marks 30 
01. Physical Fitness Test - 6 Marks 

02. Proficiency in Games and Sports (Skill of anyone Game of choice from the given list*)- 7 Marks

03. Yogic Practices - 7 Marks 

04. Record File ** - 5 Marks 

05. Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga) - 5 Marks 

* Basketball, Football, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Volleyball, Handball, Hockey, Cricket, Bocce & Unified Basketball [CWSN (Children With Special Needs - Divyang)] 

**Record File shall include: 

Practical-1: Fitness tests administration for all items. 

Practical-2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two Asanas for each lifestyle disease. 

Practical-3: Procedure for administering Senior Citizen Fitness Test for 5 elderly family members. 

Practical-4: Anyone game of your choice out of the list above. Labeled diagram of field & equipment (Rules, Terminologies & Skills).

Std 11and XII - Question Paper Design for Physical Education



CBSE Suggested Question Paper Design

Physical Education (Code No. 048) 

Class XI and XII (2020-21)

Marks: 70                                                                                                                    Duration: 3 hrs.


 Typology of Questions



 Remembering: Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers. Understanding: Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas



Applying: Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques, and rules in a different way.



Analyzing and Evaluating: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalizations. Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, the validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria. Creating: Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.





Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Std-11 - Unit I Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education


Unit I Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education 

Meaning & Definition of Physical Education

General taught of Physical Education is sports and exercise teach in schools”

   The Literal meaning is knowledge about the body.

   (i) It’s learning about  internal and external organs, the functioning of the organs and how to develop the overall performance and fitness
Physical    =  related to body 

Education =  knowledge.
 (ii) In this subject read about various activities which are necessary for the   growth & development of the body& mind. 
      (iii) Physical Education: An integral part of the total education process
       (iv) Development of physically, mentally, emotionally and socially fit citizens through the medium of physical activities, with their outcomes.

     PE aim is the development of “HEALTHY LIFESTYLE”

1.1 -Aims & Objectives of Physical Education 

 Aims of Physical Education 

(i)  Physical education is the sum of changes in the individual caused by experience which can bring in motor activity.”

(ii)  The aim of physical education must be, to make every child physically. Mentally and emotionally fit and also to develop in him such personal and social qualities, that will help him to live happily with others and built him up a good citizen

  Objectives  of Physical Education 

  1.   Physical Development :
    1.  During physical activities, the body demands more and more from various systems and organs, which in turn have to function optimally to cope with the stress of activity
    2.  Development of organ systems such as circulatory system, nervous system, muscular system, digestive system etc. related to physical development.


  1. Mental Development :
    1. Physical activities require alertness of mind, deep concentration, and calculated movements
    2. Objectives of Physical Education regulations, techniques of games, anatomical & physiological studies, health &  diseases
    3. Participation teaches to draw conclusions, to face new situations, and to take decisions independently


  1. Social Development :
    1. Individual develops social qualities and social habits.
    2.  This gives wholesome experience to learn social norms.
    3.  Physical Education provides ample opportunities to its participants to interact with other individual and groups.
    4.  Values of competition and co-operation are also inculcated.


  1. Neuro-Muscular Coordination :
    1. Also known as psychomotor development or co-ordination development.
    2. Improves working with various equipment and tools.
    3.  Good neuro-muscular co-ordination helps to keep off fatigue during vigorous activities.
    4.  The concern with better co-ordination between the nervous system and muscular system.
  2. Emotional Development :
    1. Physical education teaches us to accept success and failure gracefully, which are also helpful throughout the lifetime.
    2. Competitions are an indispensable part and are characterized by success and failure.
    3. Physical education aims at emotional stability which helps in facing any type of situation.
  3. Development of Health:
    1. This knowledge builds a healthy and positive lifestyle and society.
    2. It also speaks of health hazards in a society like alcohol, smoking, drug addiction, etc.
    3. School health education program includes not only principles and important rules of health education but also information regarding healthy living and community health.
    4. Health knowledge is a part and the parcel of the P.E. Program 

1.2-Career Options in Physical Education 

Career option in physical education :

 1. Teaching Career - i. Elementary school level, ii. Middle School level, iii. High School and senior secondary, iv. Collage and University level.

2. Coaching Career - i. Administration relates course ii. Physical Education Department iii. Sports Department, iv. Industrial recreation v. Sports facilities Management.  

 3. Health-related career - i. Health club ii. Athletic training

4. Performance-related career - i. As a Professional player ii. As officials 

5. Career in communication and midis : i. Sport Journalism ii. Book publication iii. Sports photography iv. Book publication v. Sports broadcasting

1.3- Competitions in various sports at the national and international level 

1.4- Khelo-India Program 


 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) Class XI (2020–21) 

                                                                                                                Theory Max.  Marks 70

 Unit I Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education 

 Meaning & Definition of Physical Education 

 Aims & Objectives of Physical Education 

 Career Options in Physical Education 

 Competitions in various sports at the national and international level 

 Khelo-India Program 

Unit II Olympic Value Education 

 Olympics, Paralympics, and Special Olympics 

 Olympic Symbols, Ideals, Objectives & Values of Olympism 

 International Olympic Committee 

 Indian Olympic Association 

Unit III Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle 

 Meaning & Importance of Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle 

 Components of physical fitness and Wellness 

 Components of Health-related fitness 

Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs- Divyang) 

 Aims & objectives of Adaptive Physical Education 

 Organization promoting Adaptive Sports (Special Olympics Bharat; Paralympics; Deaflympics) 

 Concept of Inclusion, its need, and Implementation 

 Role of various professionals for children with special needs (Counsellor, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Education Teacher, Speech Therapist & special Educator)

Unit V Yoga 

 Meaning & Importance of Yoga 

 Elements of Yoga 

 Introduction - Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation & Yogic Kriyas 

 Yoga for concentration & related Asanas (Sukhasana; Tadasana; Padmasana & Shashankasana, Naukasana, Vrikshasana (Tree pose), Garudasana (Eagle pose) 

 Relaxation Techniques for improving concentration – Yog-Nidra

 Unit VI Physical Activity & Leadership Training 

 Leadership Qualities & Role of a Leader 

 Creating leaders through Physical Education 

 Meaning, objectives & types of Adventure Sports (Rock Climbing, Tracking, River Rafting, Mountaineering, Surfing and Para Gliding) 

 Safety measures to prevent sports injuries

 Unit VII Test, Measurement & Evaluation 

 Define Test, Measurement & Evaluation 

 Importance of Test, Measurement & Evaluation In Sports

 Calculation of BMI & Waist - Hip Ratio 

 Some Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy & Ectomorphy) 

 Measurement of health-related fitness 

Unit VIII Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology in Sports

 Definition and Importance of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology 

 The function of Skeleton System, Classification of Bones & Types of Joints 

 Properties and Functions of Muscles

  Function & Structure of Respiratory System and Circulatory System 

 Equilibrium – Dynamic & Static And Centre of Gravity and its application in sports 

Unit IX Psychology & Sports 

 Definition & Importance of Psychology in Phy. Edu. & Sports 

 Define & Differentiate Between Growth & Development 

 Developmental Characteristics At Different Stages of Development. 

 Adolescent Problems & Their Management

Unit X Training and Doping in Sports 

 Meaning & Concept of Sports Training 

 Principles of Sports Training 

 Warming up & limbering down 

 Skill, Technique & Style 

 Concept & classification of doping 

 Prohibited Substances & their side effects 

 Dealing with alcohol and substance abuse 

                                                                                       Practical Max. Marks 30

01. Physical Fitness Test -                                                    - 6 Marks 

02. Proficiency in Games and Sports

 (Skill of anyone Game of choice from the given list*)     - 7 Marks 

03. Yogic Practices                                                              - 7 Marks 

04. Record File **                                                               - 5 Marks 

05. Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga)                 - 5 Marks *

 Athletics, Archery, Badminton, Boxing, Chess, Judo, Shooting, Skating, Swimming, Taekwondo, Tennis, Aerobics, Gymnastics, Rope-Skipping, Yoga, Bocce & Unified Basketball [CWSN (Children With Special Needs - Divyang)]

 **Record File shall include: 

Practical-1: Labelled diagram of 400 M Track & Field with computations.

Practical-2: Computation of BMI from family or neighborhood & graphical representation of the data.

Practical-3: Labelled diagram of field & equipment of any one game of your choice out of the above list. 

Practical-4: List of current National Awardees (Dronacharya Award, Arjuna Award & Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award) 

Practical-5: Pictorial presentation of any five Asanas for improving concentration.