Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Std 12- Ch 1- Planning in Sports

Ch 1-Planning in Sports 

Question and Answers 

1.1  Planning or explain the meaning of planning

It is a  predicate process that explains the organization of work administration of work delegation of work & supervision of work in detail.

Purpose of Planning 

1. To create good coordination, 
2. To keep good control, 
3. To reduce unnecessary pressure immediately, 
4. To minimize the chances of mistake, 
5. To avoid wastage of money, time & resources, 
6. To utilize the resources effectively and economically, 
7. To improve the effectiveness of the organization.

1.2  Various Committees and their Responsibilities

Role of the various committees before a tournament.

(i)  Organizing Committee:-

Responsible for organizing and smooth running the tournament. It instructs other committees one month prior to the tournament and assigns tasks and responsibilities to them.

(ii)  Publicity Committee:-

Spread information about the tournament 3 or 4 weeks prior to the tournament.

(iii)  Marketing Committee:-

Purchasing all equipment and other items required for the tournament and ensuring their quality.


(iv)  Fiance Committee:-

Prepares budget and estimates possible expenditure during the tournament.                                                                                          

(v)  Transport Committee:-

Ensures proper transport facilities for the tournament.


(vi)  Food and Accommodation Committee:-

Prepares accommodation and food for athletes, VIPs and officials.

(vii)  Committee for Officials:-

                          Hires officials required to preside over the matches in the tournament.

             (viii)  Ground and Equipment Committee:-

Prepares the grand for the ground for the tournament a few days prior or it.


             (ix)  Programme Committee:-

Keeps the records of the participating teams and prepares fixture.


              (x)  First Aid Committee:-

Maintaining a proper first aid kit for all possible situations during the tournament.

           Role of the various committees after a tournament. The following are the roles of the various committees after a tournament


(i)  Publicity Committee: Give reports to media provide information of expenditure to organizing committee.


(ii)  Finance Committee: Maintain report of the total expenditure and budget for the tournament.


(iii)  Transport Committee: Provide information after the end of the tournament.


(iv)  Food and accommodation Committee: Repair work for any damage at accommodation site and providing information on expenditure to the organizing committee.


(v)  Committee for officials: Giving payment and thanks letter to all officials.


(vi)  Ground and Equipment Committee: Repair work for any damage to ground and submitting all equipment to the organizing committee.


(vii)  Programme Committee: Providing information about all participating team to the organizing committee and distributing certificates to all participants.


(viii)  First Aid Committee: Submitting all first aid equipment and information to organizing committee.

Prize Distribution Committee: Co-ordinating with decoration ceremony committee to submit all information and equipment to the organizing Committee.

(ix)  Organizing Committee: Collecting reports from all committees, taking note of all the important information and submitting it to the administrative director.

                   1.3 Tournament - Knock-Out, League or Round Robin, and Combination.


(i)  A series of sports competitions between two or more than two teams

(ii)  in which,  a  team finally wins and the rest of the participants lose the matches. 

(iii)  It depends on the number of participating teams, availability of grounds and equipment, number of days and funds, etc.,


      Importance of tournament

--       The sportsman learns discipline by playing tournaments.

--       The sportsman meets other sportsmen at a single platform.

--       He learns ethical values such as honesty, fair play, respect for others.

--       Tournaments provides recreation to all, i.e. organizers, spectators, students.


Types of Tournament

A. Knock out: In this type of tournament, the team once defeated, gets eliminated from the tournament. Only the winning teams contest in the next rounds. Opportunities are given to the winning players/ teams.


B.  League: In a single league tournament all participating teams compete once, with each other, whereas in the double league, each team plays with every as in double league, each team plays with every other team twice, without any consideration of victory or defeat.

C. Combination: In these types of tournaments initial rounds are played on the basis of specific types i.e. knock out or league and the rest of the rounds these tournaments are the following types.

Knock out cum knock out
League cum league
Knock out cum league
League cum knock out

1.4  Procedure To Draw Fixtures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase &Cyclic
(i)  Divide the total no teams into two half if total no teams are more than 16 divided than also in the quarter.

(ii)  Check if the total no of the team are in the power of  two  i.e (2,4,8,16,32,64. ......) or not. 

(iii)  If total no of teams are not in the power of two then byes will be given.

(iv)  Calculate the byes & place them according to the formula.

(v)  Arrange the match. It should be remembered that a match can be arranged between the teams in the same round

(vi)  It should be remembered that if  the  total no  teams are more than 16 the byes of the upper half will be placed separately my lower half will be separate.

(vii)  In the case of seeding or special seeding we calculate the  byes of the deducting total no seeding from the total no. of teams.

knock out tournaments
        In these types of tournaments after losing the 1st match the team gets eliminated from the tournament in the knock-out tournament a team will continue in the tournament until it does not lose any match.

         (i)  When the total no of teams is not in the power of two (i.e. 2,4,8,16,32,64) then byes are given to some team. 
         (ii)  Those teams get the bye they do not play in the 1st round they directly play in the 2nd round.

   Seeding or Special seeding:
         Seeding is a special advantage given to last year's winner & runner-up team or to the good teams of the Tournament with the help of seeding teams can be directly entered into any round except the final round seeding always given in form of power of two i.e. (2,4,8,16,32).

League tournament or Round-robin tournament:
(i) In this type of tournament all the teams of the tournament will play with each other on the basis of the result of all matches the winner & runners up are decided they are of two type

(a) Single league
 (b) double league.

4.  What is the knockout tournament or what do you understand by knock out tournaments?
Ans:-  In these types of tournaments after losing the 1st match the team gets eliminated from the tournament in the knock out tournament a team will continue in the tournament until it does not lose any match.

6. What is the combination tournament or what do you understand by combination tournament?

7. What is the aim of the intramural tournament?
Ans:-  Overall development of the child is the aim of the intramural tournament.
8. What is the tournament?
Ans:-  Tournament is a series of matches organized to find out the best team in a particular sport.

9. Enlist various types of tournament.
 Ans:-  There are four types of tournament.
Knock out tournament.
League tournament.
Combination tournament

10. Define intramurals
Ans:- Intramurals:- Games played inside the school are called intramural most of the students of the school participate in it example:- House competition school athletic meet.
11. Define Extramural
Ans:-  Games played outside the school in any other institution only selected students from school to participate in it.

12. Define Fixture
Ans:- The organized method in which team participates in a fixed order and one team is declared a winner at the end.


2.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of the knock out tournament?
Ans:-   Advantages
Results come early Requirement of funds are less
Requirement of equipment & officials are less  Competition will be intense due to the fear of elimination.

It may be possible that a stronger team being matched together in early round & get eliminated in the early round that can lose the charm of the tournament.
It may be possible that a weak team got the position in the tournament.
Due to the fear of elimination players play with the fear which is not good for his health & sports performance.
Talented players sometimes are not selected due to the elimination of their team in the early round.

3. What are the advantage & disadvantages of the league or round robin tournament?
  Write down the merits demerits of the league tournament.
Only real player/ team that has the best potential will be the winner of the tournament.
Charm of the tournament still maintained throughout the tournament.
Good team/ player will continue throughout the tournament so the chance of selection of good players is still alive.
Funds are required more
Time is required more
Result come late
Officials & ground needed more
Equipments are needed more.

4. What is the objective of intramural tournaments of explains the need for intramural?
Ans:-   Objectives
i. Physical development
ii. Mental development
iii. Social development
iv. To develop good leadership quality
v. To recreate the child
vi. To control aggression
vii. To provide a platform to show himself
viii. To increase the sources of competitions
ix. To develop the qualities of a good leader
x. To give the knowledge of the rules of the various game
xi. To find out the talented sport man
xii. To develop a good personality.

5. What are the objectives of the intramural tournament or need of intramural tournament?
Ans.  Objective

Physical development
Mental development
Social development
To provide knowledge of the latest rules regulation of the game
To develop a good personality.
To realize the actual level of the personality (sportsman)
To development leadership quality
To find talented sportspersons.
To provide recreation.
To develop opportunities for mass - participation.

6.Write down the activities for the intramural tournament.
 Ans.  Major games :- hockey, football, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi etc.
Minor games :- Shuttle run, sag race, triple leg race,
Lemon race etc.
Rhythmic Games :- P.T. Lazium, dumbal, dance etc. Creative games :- drawing, painting.

Combat games :- Judo, Wrestling, boxing etc.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Organize Event -The Investiture Ceremony in School

Investiture Ceremony In School

Plan your
·         Date             :              
·         Time    :           
·         Place    :         
·         Std/Grade      :         

1.      The entire student body should assemble along with their class teachers and other staff members.          
2.      Chief guest arrival -The chief guest come along with Principal
3.      New students’ council members welcoming the chief guest and Principal by clapping They will come behind the chief guest with marching
4.      All the students' council members should sit after the drumbeat.
5.      Compering committee welcoming the chief guest and Principal, after that get ready for prayer. 

·         Prayer and the school song

·         Chief guest Introduction by Compeering committee.

·         Chief guest and Principal honor  the Neckerchief/Badge  to New Head boy, Head girl, House Captains, Vice Captains and Council Members

·         Oath taking by HOD of Physical Education & Sports.

·         Head boy and Head deliver their thoughts.

·         Chief guest speech

·         Principal’s speech

·         Vote of thanks by Compeering committee

·         National Anthem

   The Principal…..

Dear students, you are called to be a leader to lead and be a model to your fellow friends, you have a greater responsibility to make your leadership to be more effective. On this gracious moment in the presence of all gathered here I wish to examine your competence to be leaders to carry out the assignment entrusted you.
1.     As leaders of this school with various responsibilities are you ready to abide by the rules and regulations of the school?
Yes we do
2.               As student leaders are you willing to discharge your duties to the fullest Satisfaction of your superiors?
Yes we do
3.               As chosen leaders of this school are you ready to serve the student community at any given situation?
Yes we do
Congratulations dear student leaders for accepting the greater responsibility to be leaders to lead and to create a better world. May God’s blessings be with you and guide you to be exemplary leaders in the days to come. God bless.
Students oath by HOD- Sports
“We promise to be  worthy torch bearers of our beloved school, by adhering to the values of honesty, perseverance, teamwork /and service before self.
We commit ourselves/ to the principles /of precept/ in all we do.

 We vow to respect our school property and the nation’s larger environment in leading our fellow students on the path of accountability.
Above all, we pledge to strive in the spirit of excellence in academics, sports, and co-curricular activities, so that we may keep the flag of Tapti Valley International School, always, flying high.”

Investiture Ceremony Requirements, arrangements and Teacher’s In charge list

v  Chief guest arrangements                   - 
v  Stage decoration                                - 
v  Chief guest refreshment                  
v  Chief guest memento                      
v  Neckerchief& sashes arrangements   
v  Backdrop arrangements                 
v  Compeering committee                     
v  Oath                                                   
v  Council members’ salute practice   
v  Prayer &National Anthem                
v  Welcome address &vote of thanks  

Monday, June 19, 2017



Chapter -1 Planning in Sports

• Meaning ft Objectives of Planning 
Topic 1.2 • Various Committees ft Its Responsibilities 
Topic 1.3 • Tournament - Knock-Out, League or Round Robin ft Combination
Topic 1.4 • Procedure to Draw Fixtures - Knock-Out (Bye ft Seeding) ft League
 (Staircase ft Cyclic) 
Topic 1.5 • Intramural ft Extramural - Meaning, Objectives ft Its Significance 
Topic 1.6 • Specific Sports Programme (Sports Day, Health Run, Run For Fun,
Run For Specific Cause ft Run For Unity)
Chapter -2 Unit II Adventure Sports & Leadership Training 
Topic 2.1 • Meaning ft objectives of Adventure Sports 
Topic 2.2 • Types of activities - Camping, Rock Climbing, Tracking,
River Rafting ft Mountaineering
Topic 2.3 • Material requirement &. safety measures 
Topic 2.4 • Identification &. use of Natural Resources 
Topic 2.5 • Conservation of surroundings 
Topic 2.6 • Creating Leaders Through Physical Education 
Topic 2.7
Chapter -3 Unit Ill Sports 8: Nutrition 
Topic 3.1 • Balanced Diet &. Nutrition: Macro &. Micro Nutrients 
Topic 3.2 • Nutritive &. Non-Nutritive Components of Diet 
Topic 3.3 • Eating Disorders - Anorexia Nervosa &. Bulemia 
Topic 3.4 • Effects of Diet On Performance 
Topic 3.5 • Eating For Weight Control -A Healthy Weight, The Pitfalls Of Dieting,
Food Intolerance &. Food Myths 
Topic 3.6 • Sports nutrition (fluid &. meal intake, pre, during &. post competition) 
Topic 3.7
Chapter -4 Unit IV Postures 
Topic 4.1 • Concept of Correct Postures - Standing and Sitting 
Topic 4.2 • Advantages of Correct Posture 
Topic 4.3 • Causes of bad posture 
Topic 4.4 • Common Postural Deformities - Knock Knee; Flat Foot; Round Shoulders;
Lordosis, Kyphosis, Bow Legs and Scoliosis 
Topic 4.5 • Physical Activities as Corrective Measures 
Chapter -5 Unit V Children & Sports 
Topic 5.1 • Motor development in children 
Topic 5.2 • Factors affecting motor development 
Topic 5.3 • Physical &. Physiological benefits of exercise on children 
Topic 5.4 • Advantages &. disadvantages of weight training &. food supplement
for children 
Topic 5.5 • Activities &. quality of life. 
Chapter -6 Unit VI Women & Sports 
Topic 6.1 • Sports participation of women in India 
Topic 6.2 • Special consideration (Menarche, Menstrual Dysfunction, Pregnancy,
Topic 6.3 • Female Athletes Triad (Anemia, Osteoporosis &. Amenorrhea) 
Topic 6.4 • Psychological aspects of women athlete 
Topic 6.5 • Sociological aspects of sports participation 
Topic 6.6 • Ideology 
Chapter -7 Unit VII Test 8: Measurement in Sports 
Topic 7.1 • Measurement of Muscular Strength - Kraus Weber Test 
Topic 7.2 • Motor Fitness Test - AAPHER
Topic 7.3
Topic 7.4 • Measurement of Cardio Vascular Fitness - Harvard Step Test/Rockport Test
• Measurement of Flexibility - Sit & Reach Test 
Topic 7.5 • Rikli & Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness Test
1. Chair Stand Test for lower body strength
2. Arm Curl Test for upper body strength
3. Chair Sit & Reach Test for lower body flexibility
4. Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility
5. Eight Foot Up & Go Test for agility
6. Six Minute Walk Test for Aerobic Endurance 
Chapter -8 Unit VIII Physiology 8: Sports 
Topic 8.1 • Gender differences in physical & physiological parameters. 
Topic 8.2 • Physiological factor determining component of Physical Fitness 
Topic 8.3 • Effect of exercise on Cardio Vascular System 
Topic 8.4 • Effect of exercise on Respiratory System 
Topic 8.5 • Effect of exercise on Muscular System 
Topic 8.6 • Physiological changes due to ageing 
Topic 8.7 • Role of physical activity maintaining functional fitness in aged
Chapter -9 Unit IX Sports Medicine 
Topic 9.1 • Concept & definition 
Topic 9.2 • Aims & scope of sports medicine 
Topic 9.3 • Impact of surfaces & environment on athletes 
Topic 9.4 • Sports injuries: Classification, Causes & Prevention 
Topic 9.5 • Management of Injuries: Soft Tissue Injuries: (Abrasion, Contusion,
Laceration, Incision, Sprain & Strain) Bone & Joint Injuries:
(Dislocation, Fractures: Stress Fracture, Green Stick, Comminuted,
 Transverse Oblique & Impacted) 
Chapter -10 Unit X Biomechanics 8: Sports 
Topic 10.1 • Projectile & factors affecting Projectile Trajectory 
Topic 10.2 • Angular & Linear Movements 
Topic 10.3 • Introduction to Work, Power & Energy 
Topic 10.4 • Friction 
Topic 10.5 • Mechanical Analysis of Walking & Running 
Chapter -11 Unit XI Psychology 8: Sports 
Topic 11.1 • Understanding stress, anxiety & its management 
Topic 11.2 • Coping Strategies
Topic 11.3 • Personality, its dimensions & types; Role of sports in personality
Topic 11.4 • Motivation, its type & technique 
Topic 11.5 • Self-esteem & Body Image 
Topic 11.6 • Psychological benefits of exercise 
Chapter -12 Unit XII Training in Sports 
Topic 12.1 • Strength - Definition, types & methods of improving Strength - Isometric,
 Isotonic & isokinetic 
Topic 12.2 • Endurance - Definition, types & methods to develop Endurance -
 Continuous Training, Interval Training & Fartlek Training 
Topic 12.3 • Speed - Definition, types & methods to develop Speed -Acceleration
 Run & Pace Run 
Topic 12.4 • Flexibility - Definition, types & methods to improve flexibility 
Topic 12.5 • Coordinative Abilities - Definition & types

CBSE- Std 12 Ch 5 Children & Sports - 5.1 Motor Development in children

Unit V Children & Sports

All age group children will enjoyable sports & game,If they are not according to their developmental abilities and interest,they can lead to disappointment and dropout the sports.

"They cannot away from the sports"

So the children's motor development should be according to the requirement of sports.

 Topic 5.1 Motor development in children

1. Bone and muscles are ability to move around and manipulate his/her environment that is called motor   development. it will happen from birth till death.

2. Motor development is the progressive change in movement throughout the life cycle.

3. Ability to move or movement is essential to human development in every day life activities such as sitting, walking , running , climbing, catching, jumping, skipping  and throwing, etc.,

4. Motor development is Two type

a. Gross Motor Development-It involves large muscles activity in child's body like
sitting, walking , running , climbing, etc.,

b. Fine Motor Development - It involves small muscles activity in child's body specially small movement 

Motor Development in Children

Three stages in the childhood

Early childhood ( 2 to 6 years ) 

1.  It's starts from 2 years and known as preschool years.

2.Perfect in various fundamental skills like running, jumping, climbing and acquires the ability to unite these movements

3.Stride increases and develop more mature running pattern.
4. Proficiently and skillfully they do climbing on ladder,hoping and galloping.

5. the motor development achieves a satisfactory level the systematic training in various sports like swimming and Gymnastic can be started because the basic movements like rolling,hanging, pushing and pulling.

6. They can unite these movement efficiently under changing and difficult conditions.

7. However they become efficient in such movement but even then competition should be avoided at this stage.

Middle childhood ( 7 to 10 years )

1. This stage they become active and agile 

2. Desire to compete with children of their won age.

3. Urge to improve upon his/ her previous performance, achieve mature pattern of fundamental motor skills.

4. posture and balance become better.

5. They try to become efficient in variation of movements,which they learnt before. Same movements performed differently for different aim.

6. coupling, movement and speed abilities are develop faster rate and coordinative abilities also develop in this stage.

7. Flexibility develops very slow rate during this period

8. Rules should be flexible and minimum competition and stress should be given on movement correction   

Late Childhood (11 to 12)  

      1.  11th and 12th year or till beginning of puberty.Image result for late childhood activities

2.  Boy and Girls are able to compete equally.Their are some
           differ but difference are small.  

3. Exercise to develop body control,strength and coordination. Activities related to endurance should be avoided.    

     4.  Organised or team games to develop social-consciousness

     5.  Teach basic rules of sports i.e.fair,play,simple strategies.

     6.  Introduction to concept of sports training.