Monday, July 17, 2017

Organize Event -The Investiture Ceremony in School

Investiture Ceremony In School

Plan your
·         Date             :              
·         Time    :           
·         Place    :         
·         Std/Grade      :         

1.      The entire student body should assemble along with their class teachers and other staff members.          
2.      Chief guest arrival -The chief guest come along with Principal
3.      New students’ council members welcoming the chief guest and Principal by clapping They will come behind the chief guest with marching
4.      All the students' council members should sit after the drumbeat.
5.      Compering committee welcoming the chief guest and Principal, after that get ready for prayer. 

·         Prayer and the school song

·         Chief guest Introduction by Compeering committee.

·         Chief guest and Principal honor  the Neckerchief/Badge  to New Head boy, Head girl, House Captains, Vice Captains and Council Members

·         Oath taking by HOD of Physical Education & Sports.

·         Head boy and Head deliver their thoughts.

·         Chief guest speech

·         Principal’s speech

·         Vote of thanks by Compeering committee

·         National Anthem

   The Principal…..

Dear students, you are called to be a leader to lead and be a model to your fellow friends, you have a greater responsibility to make your leadership to be more effective. On this gracious moment in the presence of all gathered here I wish to examine your competence to be leaders to carry out the assignment entrusted you.
1.     As leaders of this school with various responsibilities are you ready to abide by the rules and regulations of the school?
Yes we do
2.               As student leaders are you willing to discharge your duties to the fullest Satisfaction of your superiors?
Yes we do
3.               As chosen leaders of this school are you ready to serve the student community at any given situation?
Yes we do
Congratulations dear student leaders for accepting the greater responsibility to be leaders to lead and to create a better world. May God’s blessings be with you and guide you to be exemplary leaders in the days to come. God bless.
Students oath by HOD- Sports
“We promise to be  worthy torch bearers of our beloved school, by adhering to the values of honesty, perseverance, teamwork /and service before self.
We commit ourselves/ to the principles /of precept/ in all we do.

 We vow to respect our school property and the nation’s larger environment in leading our fellow students on the path of accountability.
Above all, we pledge to strive in the spirit of excellence in academics, sports, and co-curricular activities, so that we may keep the flag of Tapti Valley International School, always, flying high.”

Investiture Ceremony Requirements, arrangements and Teacher’s In charge list

v  Chief guest arrangements                   - 
v  Stage decoration                                - 
v  Chief guest refreshment                  
v  Chief guest memento                      
v  Neckerchief& sashes arrangements   
v  Backdrop arrangements                 
v  Compeering committee                     
v  Oath                                                   
v  Council members’ salute practice   
v  Prayer &National Anthem                
v  Welcome address &vote of thanks  

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