Friday, January 28, 2022

Basketball Rules and Regulation


Physical Education and Sports Terminology


Physical Education and Sports Terminology


 (i)Acceleration The rate of change of velocity over time (where velocity is the rate of change of position with respect to direction). 

(ii) Aerobic Activity Steady activity in which the heart can supply all the oxygen the muscles need. "With Oxygen" Aerobic Endurance The body's ability to take in and use oxygen so the muscles can keep working. The most important element of fitness. 

(iii) Agility The ability to change the position of your body and/or its parts quickly and accurately.

 (iv) Anaerobic Activity "Without oxygen." Activities for which the body can't supply enough oxygen to keep going for long periods of time.

 (iv) Assessment of physical activities A process of judging/grading a person's level in relation to a set of criteria. It involves a process of planning, performing, evaluating, analyzing, and improving chosen physical activities. 

(vi) Aerobic Endurance The body's ability to take in and use oxygen so the muscles can keep working. The most important element of fitness.

(i) Balance The ability of the body to maintain or regain stability. Bench Press Lay on a bench, flat on the back. Press from chest to full extension. Bicep Muscle The large muscle in the front part of the upper arm.

(ii) Body Composition The relative proportions of fat and lean (non-fat) body mass. Body Mass Index (BMI) A formula that determines a healthy body weight based on height. 

C - (i) Cardiovascular Endurance The heart, lungs, and blood vessels work together as a team to allow one to stay active and exercise for a long period of time. Cardiovascular Fitness Ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to function efficiently when a person exercises the body. 

(ii) Circuit Training - Training that uses a circuit of exercises around a number of different workstations. 

(iii) Cool-down - A cool-down brings the mind and the body back to a relaxed state. Helps to reduce the risk of injury. 

(iv) Coordination The ability to control, and put together (integrate) movements made by different parts of the body. 

(v) Core Lifts The 5 ground base lifts most commonly used: bench press, parallel squat, power clean, incline bench, and front squat. 

(vi) Cramp A sudden, uncontrollable, painful contraction of a muscle or a group of muscles, that may last for only seconds, or for hours at a lower intensity. Treated by stretching and massage. 


(i)Defense The team trying to prevent the other team from scoring. 

(ii) Deltoid Muscle - Muscle of the shoulder by which the arm is raised. 


(i)Endurance Stamina, the ability to keep going for long periods. Includes cardiovascular-respiratory (heart-breathing) endurance, and muscular endurance.

(ii) Exercise Involves exertion of the body. It is important in maintaining general health and includes cardiovascular-respiratory (heart-breathing) endurance, muscular endurance, strength, mobility and flexibility, and body composition. (See also Physical fitness). 

(iii) Extend To straighten a joint. 

(i) Fine Motor Skills Involve movements using small groups of muscles in delicate actions, eg. wrist action in table tennis. 

(ii) Flexibility The ability of joints to move throughout their full range of motion. 

(iii) Force Force can be described as a 'pull' or a 'push'. 

(iv) Form Placement of body parts during exercise. 

(v) Foul A major infraction of the rule; may include a penalty against the player and/or team. 

(vi) Frequency How often you do a particular activity. 


(i) Gluteal Muscles One of the muscles of the buttocks. 

(ii) Goal Scoring in an activity. 

(iii) Gross Motor Skills These are skills that involve large groups of muscles, eg. discus throwers. 

(i) Hamstring Muscle A muscle group located on the back of the thigh. 

(ii) Hydration To supply water to a person in order to restore or maintain a balance of fluids. 


(i) Isometric Muscle Action Occurs when a muscle starts to contract and shorten but is then stopped by an immovable resistance 

(ii) Isotonic Muscle Action Normal muscle action, when the muscle shortens as it produces movement, eg. a biceps curl. 

(iii) Incline Bench Lay on a bench raised at 45 degrees, press bar from chest to full extension.

(iv) Intensity How physically hard the activity.

(v) Interval Training Training with alternating work intervals and rest intervals 

(vi) Involuntary Muscle Muscle that you cannot control by your conscious decisions.


(i) Latissimus Dorsi - Roughly triangular muscles covering the lower part of the back, extending from the sacral, lumbar, and lower thoracic vertebrae to the armpits. (Large muscle attached to the back and the arm) 

(ii) Lifetime Sports A sport that can be played by people of all ages. 

(iii) Low Impact Aerobic Exercise Exercise with one foot contacting the floor at all times.


(i) Motor (movement) Skill There isn't a single, agreed definition of a motor skill. We could say that motor skill is, 'the learned ability to perform in a physical activity efficiently, successfully, and consistently'.

(ii)  Muscular Endurance The power of a muscle to keep on working. The max. number of reps one can push, pull or carry. 

(iii) Muscular Strength The ability of muscles to work. The max amount of weight one can lift, push, pull, or carry at one time. 

(iv) Muscle Body tissue that lengthens and shortens to cause movement of the bones that results in body movement. 


(i) Offense The attacking team who is trying to score. 

(ii) Out of Bounds 

(iii) Outside of playing area. 

(i) Parallel Squat With a bar on back/shoulders, the top of your thighs should be about parallel to the floor or slightly lower, in a well-executed squat.

(ii) Participation The taking part in physical activities. 

(iii) Pectoral Muscle The large muscle of the chest. 

(iv) Physical Fitness A physical state of well-being. 

(v) Power The ability to use strength quickly. 

(vi) Power Clean The movement in which the bar starts on the floor and through a jumping and rowing motion, the bar finishes on your chest. 

(vii) Pulse The rhythmic beat of the blood being pumped by the heart through the arteries, which are swollen in diameter when the heart contracts, and recoil back to normal when the heart relaxes. Can be felt at the wrist and at the side of the neck. 

(i) Quadricep Muscle The muscle on the front of the thigh. 


(i) Range of Motion The amount of movement one can make in a joint. 

(ii) Reaction Time How quickly you respond to something. 

(iii) Relaxation A process of reducing tension, rigidity, anxiety, and intensity. Specific techniques can be developed eg. Progressive Muscular Relaxation, the Quiet Place, Centering.

(iv) Repetitions The number of consecutive times one does an exercise.

 (v) Resistance Opposition to a force or a movement. 

(vi) Response Time The time it takes to respond to some stimulus, eg. the actions of people. 

(vii) Resting Heart Rate The number of heart beats during a period of inactivity. 

(viii) Routine Performing movements in the same way time after time. A technique used to enhance skill performance. 

(i) Set A group of repetitions for an exercise. 

(ii) Skills A capacity to perform a specific task that involves the use of muscles and nerves together with the brain.

(iii) Speed The ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time. 

(iv) Sport This term is used in many different ways. It could be described as 'a type of physical activity which you choose to compete in fairly, and try to win.' There have been many attempts to divide sport into different groups. 

(v) Sportsmanship Playing within the rules with a good attitude and with respect to others. 

(vi) Stability (of the body) This involves the equilibrium or balance of the body on a base, it is increased if: the area of the base is wider or larger; the center of gravity is lowered; the center of gravity is brought nearer to the center of the base.

(vii) Strength The amount of force that is produced by muscles contracting. Includes static or isometric strength, where effort is made against an immovable resistance; and dynamic or isotonic strength where effort moves a resistance. 

(viii) Stretching Exercise to improve flexibility. This can be passive, eg. limb being pushed to the limit of movement by a partner; active, eg. moving and holding your own stretch position; and ballistic, eg. swinging arms and/or legs. 

(i) Techniques The basic patterns of movement which have to be developed in every activity. 

(ii) Time How long you do the activity. 

(iii) Training (physical) A process which is designed to improve physical capacity, fitness, skill, etc. 

(iv) Triceps Muscle Muscle located on the back of the upper arm. 

(v) Type What kind of exercise.


Variation (of training) Training should be varied to prevent boredom occurring and injuries developing. Variation should always be safe. 

(ii) Voluntary Muscle Muscle that can be controlled by your conscious decisions 

(i) Warm-up A warm-up should involve a gradual increase in the heart rate and breathing rate, a slight rise in body temperature, and prepare the mind and the body for activity. Helps to reduce the risk of injury. 

(ii) Work Out The part of the physical activity program during which a person does activities to improve fitness.

(iii) Weight Training The lifting of weights to  build strength. Also called resistance training

Saturday, May 1, 2021

PE Lesson Plan for Primary


PE Lesson Plan for Primary

Class  – PE Period

Duration : 40 min                                                                                                        


Warming –Up

(05 min)

General Instruction about Activity and Demo   (05 min)

 Formal Part

 (15 min)

Game (10 min) Skill Description & Event

Warm down & recall the activity

(5 min)

1st Week

Stretching& Free hand


What is cardio workout and it’s benefits

Cardio  workout: Less repetition with Skipping, crawling, duck walk , Toe walk, Jumping and toe touch

Maximum number of Skipping trail& competition

Long breath in breath out, Loosing the muscles & What you learn today?

2nd Week

Rotation & Sitting


Uses of Speed workout

slow-twitch muscles, intermediate muscle, increases aerobic capacity

Speed work out - Moderate speed works out with- Jump squat, Jump Lungs, Lateral Bounds, Skips

30 sec Jump squat trail & competition

Long breath in breath out  & Causal walk

3rd Week

Hopping & jumping

What is coordination ?

Coordination :-Both arm Swinging , opposite hand rotation boy, Cross jumping, Aerobic movements

Check their body coordination

Loosing the muscles & body

4th Week

Galloping leaping and sliding 

Why require flexibility?

Flexibility : Basic yoga warming ups and suryanamaskar

Check their body posture

Savasna & prayer


 Class  – PE Period

Duration : 40 min                                                                                                      



Warming –Up

(05 min)

General Instruction about Activity and Demo (05 min)

Skill / Formal Part

 (15 min)

Game (10 min) Skill Description & Event

Warm down & recall the activity

(5 min)

1st Week

Bending& rotation  exercises

Purpose of strength

Strengthening :- Pushups, Lifting hips, Chair Pushup, Drag Forward

Push ups trail & competition

Long breath in breath out  & slow walking

2nd Week

Loco-motor exercises

What is speed?

Speed:- Reverse Lung Knee drive, Tuck Jumps, High Knee

Observe the students speed

Long breath in breath out, Loosing the muscles

3rd Week

Jumping & jogging

Uses of coordination

Coordination Lateral jump, forward and backward jump, Scissor jump

Check their body coordination

Long breath in breath out

4th Week

Stretching& Free hand


How to increase flexibility

Flexibility :- Yoga warming up, suryanamaskar,  Ardha chandrasan(both hands up and bend sideward), Bhadhakonasana (Butterfly), Pujangasana

Check their body posture

Savasna & prayer



Monday, March 29, 2021

Class 11-Physical Education Yearly Plan 2021 – 2022



Yearly Syllabus 2021 – 2022


Subject: Physical Education





1st & 2rd Week 

Unit I Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education 

Meaning· & Definition of Physical Education 

Aims· & Objectives of Physical Education 

Career Options in Physical Education ·

Competitions in various sports at the national and international level ·

Khelo-India Program ·



3rd  Week

Unit II Olympic Value Education 

 Olympics, Paralympics, and Special Olympics ·

 Olympic Symbols, Ideals, Objectives· & Values of Olympism 

 International Olympic Committee ·

 Indian Olympic Association ·



4th Week

Unit III Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle 

 Meaning· & Importance of Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle 

 Components of physical fitness and Wellness ·

 Components of Health-related fitness ·



1st & 2rd Week 

Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs- Divyang) 

 Aims· & objectives of Adaptive Physical Education 

 Organization promoting Adaptive Sports (Special Olympics Bharat; Paralympics; Deaflympics) ·

 Concept of Inclusion, its need, and Implementation ·

 Role of various professionals for children with special needs (Counsellor, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Education Teacher, Speech Therapist· & special Educator)

1.    Practical : - Physical Fitness Test


3rd &4th Week

Unit V Yoga 

 Meaning· & Importance of Yoga 

 Elements of Yoga ·

 Introduction - Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation· & Yogic Kriyas 

 Yoga for concentration· & related Asanas (Sukhasana; Tadasana; Padmasana & Shashankasana, Naukasana, Vrikshasana (Tree pose), Garudasana (Eagle pose) 

 Relaxation Techniques for improving concentration – Yog-Nidra·

Practical :- Physical Fitness Test



1st &2nd  week

Unit VI Physical Activity & Leadership Training 

 Leadership Qualities· & Role of a Leader 

 Creating leaders through Physical Education ·

 Meaning, objectives· & types of Adventure Sports (Rock Climbing, Tracking, River Rafting, Mountaineering, Surfing and Para Gliding) 

 Safety measures to prevent sports injuries·



3rd &4th Week

Unit VII Test, Measurement & Evaluation 

 Define Test, Measurement· & Evaluation 

 Importance of Test, Measurement· & Evaluation In Sports

 Calculation of BMI· & Waist - Hip Ratio 

 Some Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy· & Ectomorphy) 

 Measurement of health-related fitness ·

PRACTICAL :- 02. Proficiency in Games and Sports

 (Skill of anyone Game of choice from the given list)



1st & 2rd Week 

Unit VIII Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology in Sports

 Definition and Importance of Anatomy, Physiology· & Kinesiology 

 The function of Skeleton System, Classification of Bones· & Types of Joints 

 Properties and Functions of Muscles·

 Function·  & Structure of Respiratory System and Circulatory System 

 Equilibrium – Dynamic· & Static And Centre of Gravity and its application in sports 



3rd &4th Week

Unit IX Psychology & Sports 

 Definition· & Importance of Psychology in Phy. Edu. & Sports 

 Define· & Differentiate Between Growth & Development 

 Developmental Characteristics At Different Stages of Development. ·

 Adolescent Problems· & Their Management

PRACTICAL :- 3.Yogic Practices


1st & 2rd Week 

Unit X Training and Doping in Sports 

 Meaning· & Concept of Sports Training 

 Principles of Sports Training ·

 Warming up· & limbering down 

 Skill, Technique· & Style 

 Concept· & classification of doping 

 Prohibited Substances· & their side effects 

 Dealing with alcohol and substance abuse ·



3rd &4th Week

PRACTICAL EXAM 4&5 :- Record File & Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga) 



1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 1 to 3


1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 4 to 7


1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 8 to 10


1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 1 to 10





Subject Teacher’s Sign                                          Principal’s Sign