Saturday, May 1, 2021

PE Lesson Plan for Primary


PE Lesson Plan for Primary

Class  – PE Period

Duration : 40 min                                                                                                        


Warming –Up

(05 min)

General Instruction about Activity and Demo   (05 min)

 Formal Part

 (15 min)

Game (10 min) Skill Description & Event

Warm down & recall the activity

(5 min)

1st Week

Stretching& Free hand


What is cardio workout and it’s benefits

Cardio  workout: Less repetition with Skipping, crawling, duck walk , Toe walk, Jumping and toe touch

Maximum number of Skipping trail& competition

Long breath in breath out, Loosing the muscles & What you learn today?

2nd Week

Rotation & Sitting


Uses of Speed workout

slow-twitch muscles, intermediate muscle, increases aerobic capacity

Speed work out - Moderate speed works out with- Jump squat, Jump Lungs, Lateral Bounds, Skips

30 sec Jump squat trail & competition

Long breath in breath out  & Causal walk

3rd Week

Hopping & jumping

What is coordination ?

Coordination :-Both arm Swinging , opposite hand rotation boy, Cross jumping, Aerobic movements

Check their body coordination

Loosing the muscles & body

4th Week

Galloping leaping and sliding 

Why require flexibility?

Flexibility : Basic yoga warming ups and suryanamaskar

Check their body posture

Savasna & prayer


 Class  – PE Period

Duration : 40 min                                                                                                      



Warming –Up

(05 min)

General Instruction about Activity and Demo (05 min)

Skill / Formal Part

 (15 min)

Game (10 min) Skill Description & Event

Warm down & recall the activity

(5 min)

1st Week

Bending& rotation  exercises

Purpose of strength

Strengthening :- Pushups, Lifting hips, Chair Pushup, Drag Forward

Push ups trail & competition

Long breath in breath out  & slow walking

2nd Week

Loco-motor exercises

What is speed?

Speed:- Reverse Lung Knee drive, Tuck Jumps, High Knee

Observe the students speed

Long breath in breath out, Loosing the muscles

3rd Week

Jumping & jogging

Uses of coordination

Coordination Lateral jump, forward and backward jump, Scissor jump

Check their body coordination

Long breath in breath out

4th Week

Stretching& Free hand


How to increase flexibility

Flexibility :- Yoga warming up, suryanamaskar,  Ardha chandrasan(both hands up and bend sideward), Bhadhakonasana (Butterfly), Pujangasana

Check their body posture

Savasna & prayer



Monday, March 29, 2021

Class 11-Physical Education Yearly Plan 2021 – 2022



Yearly Syllabus 2021 – 2022


Subject: Physical Education





1st & 2rd Week 

Unit I Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education 

Meaning· & Definition of Physical Education 

Aims· & Objectives of Physical Education 

Career Options in Physical Education ·

Competitions in various sports at the national and international level ·

Khelo-India Program ·



3rd  Week

Unit II Olympic Value Education 

 Olympics, Paralympics, and Special Olympics ·

 Olympic Symbols, Ideals, Objectives· & Values of Olympism 

 International Olympic Committee ·

 Indian Olympic Association ·



4th Week

Unit III Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle 

 Meaning· & Importance of Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle 

 Components of physical fitness and Wellness ·

 Components of Health-related fitness ·



1st & 2rd Week 

Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs- Divyang) 

 Aims· & objectives of Adaptive Physical Education 

 Organization promoting Adaptive Sports (Special Olympics Bharat; Paralympics; Deaflympics) ·

 Concept of Inclusion, its need, and Implementation ·

 Role of various professionals for children with special needs (Counsellor, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Education Teacher, Speech Therapist· & special Educator)

1.    Practical : - Physical Fitness Test


3rd &4th Week

Unit V Yoga 

 Meaning· & Importance of Yoga 

 Elements of Yoga ·

 Introduction - Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation· & Yogic Kriyas 

 Yoga for concentration· & related Asanas (Sukhasana; Tadasana; Padmasana & Shashankasana, Naukasana, Vrikshasana (Tree pose), Garudasana (Eagle pose) 

 Relaxation Techniques for improving concentration – Yog-Nidra·

Practical :- Physical Fitness Test



1st &2nd  week

Unit VI Physical Activity & Leadership Training 

 Leadership Qualities· & Role of a Leader 

 Creating leaders through Physical Education ·

 Meaning, objectives· & types of Adventure Sports (Rock Climbing, Tracking, River Rafting, Mountaineering, Surfing and Para Gliding) 

 Safety measures to prevent sports injuries·



3rd &4th Week

Unit VII Test, Measurement & Evaluation 

 Define Test, Measurement· & Evaluation 

 Importance of Test, Measurement· & Evaluation In Sports

 Calculation of BMI· & Waist - Hip Ratio 

 Some Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy· & Ectomorphy) 

 Measurement of health-related fitness ·

PRACTICAL :- 02. Proficiency in Games and Sports

 (Skill of anyone Game of choice from the given list)



1st & 2rd Week 

Unit VIII Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology in Sports

 Definition and Importance of Anatomy, Physiology· & Kinesiology 

 The function of Skeleton System, Classification of Bones· & Types of Joints 

 Properties and Functions of Muscles·

 Function·  & Structure of Respiratory System and Circulatory System 

 Equilibrium – Dynamic· & Static And Centre of Gravity and its application in sports 



3rd &4th Week

Unit IX Psychology & Sports 

 Definition· & Importance of Psychology in Phy. Edu. & Sports 

 Define· & Differentiate Between Growth & Development 

 Developmental Characteristics At Different Stages of Development. ·

 Adolescent Problems· & Their Management

PRACTICAL :- 3.Yogic Practices


1st & 2rd Week 

Unit X Training and Doping in Sports 

 Meaning· & Concept of Sports Training 

 Principles of Sports Training ·

 Warming up· & limbering down 

 Skill, Technique· & Style 

 Concept· & classification of doping 

 Prohibited Substances· & their side effects 

 Dealing with alcohol and substance abuse ·



3rd &4th Week

PRACTICAL EXAM 4&5 :- Record File & Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga) 



1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 1 to 3


1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 4 to 7


1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 8 to 10


1 to 4 weeks

Revision  and unit test in

Unit - 1 to 10





Subject Teacher’s Sign                                          Principal’s Sign