Thursday, March 22, 2018

Content of Chapter -2 Sports & Nutrition -Introduction of balance diet


Content of Chapter -2 Sports & Nutrition 

1.       Introduction of a balanced diet:

(1)     Which can provide all the essential constituents necessary for growth and maintains of the body

(2)    The definite amount in, which they are required by the body.

(3)    It means eating the right amount of food from all food groups.

(4)    Essential food constituents of PROTEIN, CARBOHYDRATES, FAT, VITAMINS, MINERALS, and WATER.

(5)    If it is a correct proportion(ratio) called a balanced diet.

(6)      Which is consisted (involved)of various constituents of food accurate and appropriate quality and quantity according to the requirement of an individual.

(7)    Every person does not require the same type of diet. It is different from individual to individual.

(8)     Essential note for a balanced diet.

(a)    It must contain all the essential constituents inadequate amount.

(b)    Different constituents of food.

Protein                        Fat                                                           carbohydrate
      1                                            1                                                                  

Image result for protein foodsImage result for carbohydrates foodsImage result for fat foods

(c)    The food should easily digestible

A. Balanced Diet :- A complete food, a diet contains adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients required for proper growth & maintenance of body.
B.    Nutrition :- It is the process of obtaining & consuming food  or breaking down food & substances taken in by the mouth to use for energy in the body.
C.    Nutrients :- The energic food in our diet consists of various types of essential chemicals for our body termed as nutrients
:- e.g. Protein, fat, charbohydrates, vitamins & minerals.

                    Non-Nutritive Components of Diet.

(i) Fiber or Roughage

(iii) Flavour Compound

(ii) Colour Compound

(iv) Plant compound

2.3 Eating for weight Control
(i)    A healthy weight is a weight that lowers your risk for health problems, generally body mass index (BMI) and waist size are good ways to achieve healthy weight. Methods to calculate BMI = Weight in Kg/ (Height in m)2.
Eating for weight control :- Factors to control body weight
*                          Balanced diet
*                          Drinks lots of water
*                          Eating lot of fibrous food
*                          Regular Medical Checkup
*                          Avoid Fats

*                          Medicine only by doctors advice
*                          Physical Activity
*                          Avoid Drinking
*                          Avoid Junk food
*                          Meals in small shifts
*                          Follow Hygenic Habits
*                          Do not Dieting
*                          Never Try sliming pills
*                          Avoid over eating
*                          Balancing the intakes of calories and expenditure of calories.

Pitfall of Dieting:
1.     At present everyone wants to trim and slim, So they follow various methods to lose weight.
2.     Mostly they believe dieting, in the beginning diet will give good result. But later they will get more weight compare to previous weight .
3.     90% Pitfall dieters gain all their weight back or more than that
4.     We should know losing weight is not simple as it sound. Eat less and exercise more to burn the calories.
5.     Some dangers dieting methods’ are stated below.
(1)            Extreme reduction of calories:
a.      Intake of calories reduced extremely.
b.     1800 calories, a day cannot meet all the nutritional requirements of an individual.
c.      Reduce the calories, it will huge lose weight in your body. It can be dangerous for you.
d.     your metabolism level and healthy manner will be lower
(2)            Restriction on some nutrients :
a.      Generally some nutrients like carbohydrates and fats are restricted in dieting.
b.     But body need all types of nutrition, If you are not taking required amount of nutrition, the body can not functioning properly. It will be impaired 
(3)            Skipping meals:
a.      In fact, if you have good metabolic rate, you can maintain or lose weight.
BMR = 66 + (13.75 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) – (6.8 x age in yrs)
BMR = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) – (4.7 x age in Yrs) To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:
If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.1
If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.275
If you are moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.35
If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.525


b.     So skipping meals fail your weight lose plan
c.     If you skip meals, you take more calories during the next meals.

(4)            Intake of calories through beverage:
a.     Put down stress on not eat more and drink other then water.
b.     Beverages, coffee with cream and sugar, sweetened juices and sodas really contribute to weight gain
(5)            Underestimating calories:
a.     Most of the diet people not understanding the number of calories they consume.
b.     It is essential to be more aware of the amount of calories you take in your diet.
(6)            Intake of labeled foods:
a.     Most of the people go for such food products that carry the label ”lean, slim fit, sugar free, fat free, low calories”
b.     It is not always best for losing weight
c.      It doesn’t meet all the nutrient requirements of your body.
d.     i.e : three chocolate biscuits contain 140cal whereas three non-fat biscuits contain 120cal, It is insignificant
e.     The people will think and eat that these product are very less calories. So they will eat more, as a result which, you end up consuming more calories.
(7)            Not exercising:
a.     If you go on dieting without exercise, It will against the weight lose progamme. that mean you will gain your weight.
b.     Exercise has a positive effect of metabolism and also helps to burn some extra calories. it will increase metabolism rate
c.      So dieting will get benefit only if you do exercise.

B.              Side effects of Pitfall of Dieting:
*                          Disturbed digestive system
*                          Acidity problem
*                          Gastric problem
*                          Muscular weakens
*                          Quick Tiredness
*                          Loose the shining of face
*                          Disturbed the metabolic rate
*                          Muscle cramp
*                          Chances of heart problems
*                          Pain in stomach
*                          Palpitations
*                          Burning sensation in urine
*                          After dieting when person comes on normal diet his. Body wt overshoots the initial body wt from where he started the dieting
C.              Food Intolerance
a.      Food intolerance is that when a person has difficulty in digesting a particular food.
b.     Because their body cannot tolerate unlimited amounts
c.      It comes gradually not frequently .it is not life threatening 
Causes of food intolerance
a.      Complete absences of activity of the enzymes responsibilities for breaking down or absorbing the food elements. This deficiency is natural in our body
b.      It can be diet related or due to illness.
c.      Digestive process start from mouth- salivary amylase (enzymes), stomach-pepsin( chief digestive enzyme in the stomach), Small intestine- pancreas, amylase, trypsin, lipase.   

Symptoms : Nausea, Vomiting, Pain in joints, headache and rashes on
skin, diarrhea, sweating, palpitations,

Causes & Management of food Intolerance:
a.      It can maintain by minor changes of diet to exclude food causing unfavorable reaction.
b.     Sometime it can be managed effectively in such a way with the need for professional.
c.      If you cannot know the food which causes problem, you should get the help from the medical expertise.
d.     You practitioner can provide diagnosis and management.
e.      It can be applied  for managing food intolerance,
f.      Change in diet causing reaction some therapies like.,
g.     fructose (sugar sensitive is very common (1 in 3 people) intolerance therapy,
h.     lactose (made of dairy product -lack of an enzyme called lactase in the small intestine. The most common symptoms of lactose intolerance are diarrhea, bloating, and gas.) intolerance therapy&
i.       Histamine intolerance therapy(Histamines start the process that hustles those allergens out of your body or off your skin)
j.       Absence of activity of enzymes responsible for breaking down the food elements.
k.      These are usually innate sometimes diet related or due to illness.

Food Myth:
a.                Still lot of traditional (fake) stories are around us about food. It is called food myth.
b.               The following question may confuse us, like what to eat, when to eat, how to eat, etc., So we think food myth is right.
c.                Now days science has improved lot, so we no need to follow the food myth.
d.               The most common food myth which are still Prevalent(common) contemporary(modern) society are stated subsequently(next)

Some of food myth are here:

D.             Food Myth/ Dieting Myths.
(i)                       Myth :- Low fat or no fat diet are good.
Fact :- Body needs fats for energy, tissue repair and to transport vitamin A.D, E.K. Just cut down on salivated fat eating unsaturated fats.
(ii)                     Myth :- Vegetarian cannot build muscles.
Fact :- Vegetarian can built muscles as meat eaters by getting their proteins from vegetables such as cheese nuts pulses. etc.
(iii)                   Myth :- Healthy food is expensive.

Fact :- Tinned, stored, packed food is expensive, whereas local & seasonal food is inexpensive.
1.     Will Potatoes makes you fat?
a.      Dieters think carbohydrate foods will increase the weight. So the people omit such as rice, potatoes, etc.,
b.     But know we know carbohydrate is body’s energy source.
c.      If we take moderate quantity of potatoes, we will not get FAT.

2.     Fat free products will help you losing weight?
a.      Already we saw about labeled foods how it works, the calories are slight less in comparison to other foods.
b.     Most of the dieters are eat more quantity of labeled food under the misconception that it comprise less calories.
c.      So ultimately consume more calories which can cause weight gain.

3.     Eggs increase cholesterol so avoid them?
a.      No doubt it is good for health. It’s provide vitamins-A,B,D,Zinc,Iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc., and proteins.
b.     Taking one egg daily- Fulfill our daily requirements of our body cholesterol and no problem of it.

4.     Drinking (water) while eating makes you fat
a.      Behind this misconception, enzymes and their digestive juices will be diluted, so it will slow down your digestion which may lead excess body fat.
b.     In contrary(x),there is a scientific fact that drinking water while eating improves digestion.
5.     Don’t take milk after eating fish:
a.      They think that some spots can appear on skin if you consume drink milk after eating fish.
b.     But there is no scientific reason behind this. Indeed, these products may be taken together.
6.     Starve (have nothing to eat) yourself if you want to reduce weight:
a.      Suppress appetite that mean hold your hunger and increase your metabolism rate so you don’t eat too much apart from your regular diet.
b.     Then no need to starve yourself if you want to lose weight.
7.     Exercise make you eat more:
a.      Exercise burn the calories which may increase your hunger.
b.     The research not shown that individual who do exercise and consume more calories those who don’t exercise.
c.      The statement is if you burn your calories, you will not get weight    

Meaning Sports Nutrition:
(i)              Nutrition and diet is essential for increase the performance of sports and games.
(ii)            It deals with, carbohydrate, protein, vitamin, minerals, water, etc.,

Intake of Nutrition before, after and during the competition period:
(i)              It is real fact that optimal health and sports performance are achieved by having proper diet every day. Not just day before or on the day.
(ii)            It is essential to take variety of foods in order to consume all nutrition needed for good health and maximum performance.
(iii)          Sufficient amount is important for all people busy in simple work or in highly competitive sports.
(iv)          Do not ignore any kind of nutrition, The explanation of before, after and during the competition is stated below.

Sports Nutrition (Fluid & meal in take, pre, during and post competition)Eating Diet before competition:

1.               Athlete should take carbohydrate food which usually help in enhancing the glycogen store.
2.               Your liver and muscles can only store a limited amount of glycogen. If your bloodstream contains more glucose than your body can store as glycogen, your body stores excess glucose as fat cells. Like glycogen, fat is stored for future energy; however, glucose storage as fat can contribute to weight gain and obesity.

3.               Miller suggest that 500-600g per day as this will encourage muscles to store over 20% more glycogen. It has to be taken 3-4 days before the competition through meals.   

4.               The meal should be taken at least three to four hours and snacks at least one to two hours before exercise, to give us time for digestion.
5.               The diet should include starches such as cereal, bread and fruit, to give us a slow, steady release of energy.
6.               We should avoid simple sugars because they increase insulin level, which in turn reduces our blood glucose and make us feel tired.
7.               To avoid dehydration, include plenty of fluids in the diet.
8.               As fat and protein take a longer time to digest, avoid such diets before exercise.

Eating Diet during competition :

1.               During the completion fluid nutrition is essential part for stay hydrate and maintains the sugar level. The sports person should not feel thirsty, depending upon their need and climate
2.               More than 60 minute gap they can take small amount of carbohydrate or snacks at during every interval time.
3.               So the sugar level will enhance and glycogen store will not depleted rapidly.
4.               During the competition they have to take fluid every 10-20 min you do not feel thirsty.
5.               Extra energy is not require for all the competition.
6.               Sports drink are beneficial of more level activities lasting prolonged period of time.   
7.               Drinking liquid glucose to save your own limited stores of glycogen.

Eating Diet after competition :
1.               Drink lots of water and other fluids to replace any loss or fluid.
2.               The food should be rich in carbohydrate within an hour of exercising even if we do not feel hungry, to restore glycogen quickly.
3.               High carbohydrate drink may be used.
4.               After 2 hours of the competition, a sports person should take complete balanced meal for restoration
5.               They can take 100 -200g carbohydrate along with protein. The protein at least 20 – 40 g in the diet , It can be cheese, egg, milk, etc., It speed up the replacement of glycogen stores and recovery time.
Effects of diet on performance
1.      The constitute of food in sufficient amount is necessary for maintain the body growth for all individuals.
2.      The active person may vary from 3000 to 8000 calories deepening upon hi/her size, weight, age, physical condition and  severity of work done on each day
3.      Well balanced diet can improve the sports performance. It may not give any guarantee accomplishment but imbalanced diet defiantly affect the performance.
4.       As a sports person should know the role of essential nutrients on performance.  
1.      It is most important source of fuel for light to moderate level of activity.
2.      Distance, high jumper, gymnast require minimum amount of fat. Adding weight to their body will hinder their performance .
3.      Distance swimmers need certain amount of fat distributed near the skin surface to diminish the heat loss to the water.
4.      Runners carried the extra weight of fat definitely diminish their performance.

1.     It is also major fuel for muscular contraction and increasing endurance
2.     It should not be given excessive amount. It may be risky for the sports person.
3.     A low level of carbohydrate will be exhaustion. So the balance is the solution. 
1.     Various tissues of the body develop by protein.
2.     It consumed as fuel for muscular work.
3.     It should be consider as a source of energy, when fat & carbohydrate are available.
4.      The performance is neither increasing or decreasing by protein deprivation.
5.     It helps in the growth of lean tissues but does not have any significant effect on performance
1.     It is essential for improving our good performance as per the sports or activity
2.     The body can’t store large amount of vitamin, excess amount of vitamins excreted through urine.
                      Ie: excess of vitamins gives extra work for excretory organs.
3.     There are three main vitamins
a.  Vitamin C:
(1)  Low level of intake will not affect the work performance.
(2)  Approximately, If non athlete taking 60 mg and Athlete taking 300 mg -500 mg they do not have any harmful effect on kidney.  

b.  Vitamin E:
(1)  It will cure many diseases especially heart disease.
(2)  Many studies shown it will not increase sports performance

Saturday, February 24, 2018



                                                                                                                          Theory Max. Marks 70

Unit I Planning in Sports
  • Meaning & Objectives Of Planning
  • Various Committees & its Responsibilities (pre; during & post)
  • Tournament – Knock-Out, League Or Round Robin & Combination
  • Procedure To Draw Fixtures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase & Cyclic)
  • Intramural & Extramural – Meaning, Objectives & Its Significance
  • Specific Sports Programme (Sports Day, Health Run, Run For Fun, Run For Specific Cause & Run For Unity)

Unit II Sports & Nutrition

  • Balanced Diet & Nutrition: Macro & Micro Nutrients
  • Nutritive & Non-Nutritive Components Of Diet
  • Eating For Weight Control – A Healthy Weight, The Pitfalls of Dieting, Food Intolerance & Food Myths

Unit III Yoga & Lifestyle

  • Asanas as preventive measures
  • Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana
  • Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana
  • Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Sukhasana, Chakrasana, Gomukhasana, Parvatasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Matsyasana
  • Hypertension: Tadasana, Vajrasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Bhujangasana, Shavasana
  • Back Pain: Tadasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Vakrasana, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana

Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang)

  • Concept of Disability & Disorder
  • Types of Disability, its causes & nature (cognitive disability, intellectual disability, physical disability)
  • Types of Disorder, its cause & nature (ADHD, SPD, ASD, ODD, OCD)
  • Disability Etiquettes
  • Advantage of Physical Activities for children with special needs
  • Strategies to make Physical Activities assessable for children with special needs.

Unit V Children & Women in Sports

  • Motor development & factors affecting it
  • Exercise Guidelines at different stages of growth & Development
  • Common Postural Deformities – Knock Knee; Flat Foot; Round Shoulders; Lordosis, Kyphosis, Bow Legs and Scoliosis, and their corrective measures
  • Sports participation of women in India
  • Special consideration (Monarch & Menstrual Dysfunction)
  • Female Athletes Triad (Oestoperosis, Amenoria, Eating Disorders)
Unit VI Test & Measurement in Sports
  • Motor Fitness Test – 50 M Standing Start, 600 M Run/Walk, Sit & Reach, Partial Curl Up, Push Ups (Boys), Modified Push-Ups (Girls), Standing Broad Jump, Agility – 4×10 M Shuttle Run
  • General Motor Fitness – Barrow three-item general motor ability (Standing Broad Jump, Zig Zag Run, Medicine Ball Put – For Boys: 03 Kg & For Girls: 01 Kg)
  • Measurement of Cardio-Vascular Fitness – Harvard Step Test/Rockport Test – Computation of Fitness Index: 
  • Rikli & Jones – Senior Citizen Fitness Test
    1. Chair Stand Test for lower body strength
    2. Arm Curl Test for upper body strength
    3. Chair Sit & Reach Test for lower body flexibility
    4. Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility
    5. Eight Foot Up & Go Test for agility
    6. Six Minute Walk Test for Aerobic Endurance

Unit VII Physiology & Injuries in Sports

  • Physiological factor determining component of Physical Fitness
  • Effect of exercise on Cardio-Respiratory System
  • Effect of exercise on Muscular System
  • Physiological changes due to aging
  • Sports injuries: Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries:(Abrasion, Contusion, Laceration, Incision, Sprain & Strain) Bone & Joint Injuries: (Dislocation, Fractures: Stress Fracture, Green Stick, Communicated, Transverse Oblique & Impacted) Causes, Prevention& treatment
  • First Aid – Aims & Objectives

Unit VIII Biomechanics & Sports

  • Meaning and Importance of Biomechanics in Sports
  • Types of movements (Flexion, Extension, Abduction & Adduction)
  • Newton’s Law of Motion & its application in sports
  • Friction & Sports

Unit IX Psychology & Sports

  • Personality; its definition & types – Trait & Types (Sheldon & Jung Classification) & Big Five Theory
  • Motivation, its type & techniques
  • Exercise Adherence; Reasons to Exercise, Benefits of Exercise
  • Strategies for Enhancing Adherence to Exercise
  • Meaning, Concept & Types of Aggressions in Sports

Unit X Training in Sports

  • Strength – Definition, types & methods of improving Strength – Isometric, Isotonic & Isokinetic
  • Endurance – Definition, types & methods to develop Endurance – Continuous Training, Interval Training & Fartlek Training
  • Speed – Definition, types & methods to develop Speed – Acceleration Run & Pace Run
  • Flexibility – Definition, types & methods to improve flexibility
  • Coordinative Abilities – Definition & types
  • Circuit Training – Introduction & its importance

Max. Marks 30

  1. Physical Fitness Test – (6 Marks)
  2. Proficiency in Games and Sports (Skill of anyone Game of choice from the given list*)- (7 Marks)
  3. Yogic Practices – 7 Marks
  4. Record File ** – (5 Marks)
  5. Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga) – (5 Marks)
* Basketball, Football, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Volleyball, Handball, Hockey, Cricket, Bocce & Unified Basketball [CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang)]
**Record File shall include:
Practical-1: Fitness tests administration for all items.
Practical-2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two Asanas for each lifestyle disease.
Practical-3: Procedure for administering the Senior Citizen Fitness Test for 5 elderly family members.
Practical-4: Anyone game of your choice out of the list above. Labeled diagram of field & equipment (Rules, Terminologies & Skills).

Suggested Question Paper Design

Very Short Answer Objective type (VSA) (1 Mark)
Remembering – 5
Understanding – 5
Applying – 5
Analyzing and Evaluating – 5
Creating – 5
Total – 1×20=20
Short Answer-II (SA) (3 Marks)
Remembering – 3
Understanding – 3
Applying – 2
Analyzing and Evaluating – 2
Creating – 2
Total – 3×8 = 30
Long Answer-I (LA) (5 Marks)
Remembering -2
Understanding – 1
Applying – 1
Analyzing and Evaluating – 0
Creating – 0
Total – 5×6= 20
Total Marks
Remembering – 24
Understanding – 19
Applying – 16
Analyzing and Evaluating – 11
Creating – 11
Total – 70 (34)

Sunday, February 18, 2018



                                                                                                                            Theory Max -Marks 70 

Unit-I : Changing Trends & Career In Physical Education

Ø  Meaning & definition of Physical Education 
Ø  Aims & Objectives of Physical Education  Changing trends in Physical Education
Ø  Various Physical Education Courses available in India
Ø  Career Options in Physical Education  Soft skills required for different careers

Unit-II : Olympic Movement

Ø  Ancient & Modern Olympics (Summer & Winter) 
Ø  Olympic Symbols, Ideals, Objectives & Values  International Olympic Committee
Ø  Indian Olympic Association
Ø  Dronacharya Award, Arjuna Award& Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award 
Ø  Organizational set-up of CBSE Sports & Chacha Nehru Sports Award

Unit-III : Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle

Ø  Meaning & Importance Of Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle  Components of physical fitness
Ø  Components of Health related fitness
Ø  Components of wellness
Ø  Preventing Health Threats Through Lifestyle Change
Ø  Concept of Positive Lifestyle

Unit-IV : Physical Education & Sports for Differently Abled

Ø  Aims & objectives of Adaptive Physical Education 
Ø  Organization promoting Adaptive Sports (Special Olympics Bharat; Paralympics; Deaflympics)
Ø  Concept and need of Integrated Physical Education
Ø  Concept of Inclusion, its need and Implementation
Ø  Role of various professionals for children with special needs (Counselor, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Education Teacher, Speech Therapist & special Educator)

Unit-V : Yoga

Ø  Meaning & Importance of Yoga 
Ø  Elements of Yoga
Ø  Introduction - Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation& Yogic Kriyas 
Ø  Yoga for concentration & related Asanas (Sukhasana; Tadasana; Padmasana & Shashankasana)
Ø  Relaxation Techniques for improving concentration – Yog-nidra

Unit-VI : Physical Activity & Leadership Training

Ø  Introduction to physical activity& leadership 
Ø  Qualities & role of a Leader
Ø   Behavior change stages for physical activity (Pre-contemplation; Contemplation; Planning;l Active; Maintenance) 
Ø  Creating leaders through Physical Education
Ø   Meaning, objectives & types of Adventure Sports (Rock Climbing, Tracking, River Rafting, Mountaineering, Surfing and Para Gliding 
Ø  Safety measures during physical activity and adventure sports

Unit-VII : Test, Measurement & Evaluation

Ø  Define Test, Measurement & Evaluation 
Ø  Importance Of Test, Measurement & Evaluation In Sports 
Ø  Calculation Of BMI & Waist - Hip Ratio
Ø   Somato Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphyl & Ectomorphy) 
Ø  Procedures Of Anthropomatric Measurement – Height, Weight, Arm & Leg Length

Unit-VIII : Fundamentals Of Anatomy & Physiology

Ø  Define Anatomy, Physiology & Its Importance 
Ø  Function Of Skeleton System, Classification Of Bones & Types Of Joints
Ø  Properties of Muscles 
Ø  Function & Structure Of Muscles
Ø  Function & Structure Of Respiratory System, Mechanism of Respiration 
Ø  Structure Of Heart & Introduction To Circulatory System 
Ø  Oxygen debt, second-wind

Unit-IX : Kinesiology, Bio mechanics & Sports

Ø  Meaning & Importance of Kinesiology & Biomechanics In Phy. Edu. & Sports 
Ø  Levers & Its Types and its application in sports 
Ø  Equilibrium – Dynamic & Static And Centre Of Gravity and its application in sports 
Ø  Force – Centrifugal & Centripetal and its application in sports 
Ø  Introduction to Buoyancy Force
Unit-X : Psychology & Sports

Ø  Definition & Importance Of Psychology In Phy. Edu. & Sports 
Ø  Define & Differentiate Between Growth & Development 
Ø  Developmental Characteristics At Different Stage Of Development
Ø  Adolescent Problems & Their Management
Ø  Define Learning, Laws Of Learning (Law of Readiness; Law of Effect & Law of Exercise) & Transfer Of Learning 
Ø  Plateau & causes of plateau 
Ø  Emotion: Concept, Type & Controlling of emotion

Unit-XI : Training In Sports

Ø  Meaning & Concept Of Sports Training 
Ø  Principles Of Sports Training
Ø  Warming up & limbering down 
Ø  Load, Symptoms of Over-load, Adaptation & Recovery 
Ø  Skill, Technique & Style 
Ø  Role of Free-play in the development of Motor Component

Unit-XII : Doping

Ø  Concept & classification of doping 
Ø  Prohibited Substances & Methods 
Ø  Athletes Responsibilities
Ø  Side Effects Of Prohibited Substances 
Ø  Ergogenic aids & doping in sports 
Ø  Doping control procedure.

Practical Max- Marks 30
01. Physical Fitness (AAHPER)                                                                                            - 10 Marks

02. Skill of any one Individual Game of choice from the given list**                                 - 10 Marks
**Archery, Badminton, Bocce, Gymnastics, Judo, Swimming, Table Tennis, Taekwondo & Tennis

03. Viva                                                                                                                                  - 05 Marks

04. Record File***                                                                                                                  - 05 Marks

***Record File shall include:

Practical-1: Labeled diagram of 400 M Track & Field with computations.

Practical-2: Computation of BMI from family or neighborhood & graphical representation of the data.

Practical-3: Labelled diagram of field & equipment of any one game of your choice out of the above list.

Practical-4: Explanation & list of current National Awardees (Dronacharya Award, Arjuna Award & Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award)

Practical-5: Pictorial presentation of any five Asanas for improving concentration. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Dear Friends, 
The Tapti Valley International school's Sports achievements have been given here from 2015 to 2017. It was a wonderful experience and memory in my career, A excellent team was with and they have done extraordinary results by coaches, So Thank you very much. Bhavin Shurti Tennis, Ms. Bijal Joshi-Volleyball, Mr.Avik Bhattacharya- Gymnastic, Mr. Nimze-Football, Mr. Kunal Bhundela-Rifle Shooting, Ms.Neha-Kudo, Mr.Anupam Patel- Cricket, Mr.Santhos-Rifle Shooting, Mr.Jay-Wall Climbing, Mr.Karan-Basketball, Mr.Jignesh Dhabi-Skating, and Mr.Lal Shing-Horse Ridding. 

- S.Senthilnathan, PE&SSF