Tapti Valley International School's Sports Day Successfully Completed
Dept. of Phy. Edu. & Sports
Sports Day Events List -2018-19
Pre Primary to Grade 12 Events:
Grade 1 to 5 Events:
Grade 6 & 7 Events :
Grade 8 & 9 Events :
Grade 10 to 12 Events:
LKG to UKG – Pom-Pom drill performance
Std 1&2 -Ribbon drill
GRADE 3 to 5 – Flag drill
Grade 6 to 8 Boys - Pyramid
Grade 6 to 8 Girls - Umbrella/ Duster drill
GRADE 9 to 11 Boys & Girls–Wands Drill
DEMONSTRATION (Selected students):
Std 1 to 5 Gymnastic
Std 6 to 12 Gymnastic
Dept. of Phy. Edu. & Sports
Sports Day Minutes of Event List -2017-18
Grade 3 to Grade 12
Date : 06/01/2018
Duration : 09:00am to 12:30 pm
07:45 am – Students reporting in school
07:50 am – Students Breakfast
08:15 am – Students will go to class for attendance & getting ready for drill
08:45 am – Students and staff members assemble on the ground
09:00 am -Chief Guest arrival -
09:10 am - Prayer song – Music Dept.,
09:15 am - Welcoming the chief guest -
09:18 am – School Song - Music Dept.,
09:23 am - Flag hosting- Sports Dept.,
09:27 am – March-past (Std 6 &11) – School Head Boys& Girls and House Masters
09:37 am - Olympic torch bearer - Sports Dept.,
Torch Bearers :
09:40 am - Oath taking – By Sports Head boy -Sports Dept.,
"In the name of all the competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these TAPTI VALLEY INTERNATIONAL School Sports Day’s Sports& Games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, committing ourselves to a sport with discipline , in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of our house."
09:45 am - Sports day events declare and State and National level winners felicitation by chief guest
09:50 am- Troup dispersal - School Head Boy
10:10 am - Std 3 to 5- Mass drill formation and Games demonstration
10:15 am – Gymnastic demonstration from Std 3 to 11- by Mr. Avik
10:23 am - Kudo demonstration form std 1 to 8 Boys & Girls
10:27am – Obstacle relay race for Std 3 –Boys &Girls
10:31 am – Hoop throwing on the chair for Std 4 –Boys &Girls
10:35 am- Balancing the ball with TT bat and TT ball for Std 5–Boys &Girls
10:40 am- Prize distribution group race for std 3 to 5 Boys & Girls
10:45 am - 60 mts running race Std 3 Boys (Individual Race)
10:46 am - 60 mts running race Std 3 Girls(Individual Race)
10:47 am - 100 mts running race Std 4 Boys(Individual Race)
10:48 am -100 mts running race Std 4 girls(Individual Race)
10:49 am- 100 mts running race Std 5 boys (Individual Race)
10:50 am – 100 mts running race Std 5 Girls (Individual Race)
10:51 am - 100 mts running race for std 6 & 7 Boys
10:52 am - 100 mts running race for std 6 & 7 Girls
10:53 am - 100 mts running race for std 8 & 9 Boys
10:54 am - 100 mts running race for std 8 & 9 Girls
10:55 am - 100 mts running race for std 10 to 12 Boys
10:56 am- 100 mts running race for std 10 to 12 Girls
10:57 am - Prize distribution for 3,4&5 Boys & Girls running race(60 mts race, 60 m Hurdles,Broad jump, Medicine Ball Throw)
11:05 am - Prize distribution for std 6 & 7 Boys & Girls running race -100 mts running race, 110 mts Hurdles, Shot-Put & Long Jump
11:15 am - Prize distribution for std 10 to 12 Boys & Girls - 100 mts running race, 110 mts Hurdles, 200 mts Race Shot-Put, Long Jump & Discus Throw
11:25 am – 4 X 100 mts relay race for std 6 & 7 Boys &Girls (mixed Race)
11:31 am - 4 X 100 mts relay race for std 8 & 9 Boys &Girls (mixed Race)
11:34 am - 4 X 100 mts relay race for std 10 to 12 Boys &Girls (mixed Race)
11:35 am- Prize distribution for std6&7,8&9 and 10 to 12 Boys & Girls relay race
11:40 am – Parents race Male & Female –Std 3 to 12
11:50 am – Teacher race Male & Female
12:00 pm - Prize distribution for parents race and teachers race
Overall IM winner trophy
March fast winner trophy
Overall championship trophy
12:05 pm - Chief guest speech
12:10 pm – Principal speech
12:15 pm – Vote of thanks
12:18 pm – National anthem.